Collection of Papers of the Faculty of Philosophy
ISSN 0354-3293
eISSN 2217-8082
Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Priština
Kosovska Mitrovica, 2024
Prof. Zvezdan Arsić
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Assoc. Prof. Branislava Dilparić
Editorial Board
Faculty’s members of the Editorial Board: Prof. Dušan Ranđelović, Prof. Olivera Marković Savić, Prof. Jelena Mihajlović, Prof. Jelena Bajović, Assoc. Prof. Nedžib Prašević, Assoc. Prof. Tatjana Kompirović, Assoc. Prof. Ana Andrejević, Assoc. Prof. Saša Stanojević, Assoc. Prof. Danijela Tešić Radovanović, Asst. Prof. Aleksandar Kostadinović.
Foreign members of the Editorial Board: Prof. Petar Penda, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Philol- ogy, English Language and Literature, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Prof. Neven Hr- vatić, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Croatian Studies, Department of Education Sciences, Croatia; Prof. Boban Petrovski, Ss Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of History, Skopje, North Macedonia; Assoc. Prof. Saša Jazbec, University of Maribor, Department of German Studies, Slovenia; Asst. Prof. Simon Malmenvall, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Theology, Slove- nia; Assoc. Prof. Sabina Hadžibulić, Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Sweden; Prof. Evangelia Georgitsoyanni (Ευαγγελία Γεωργιτσογιάννη), Harokopio University of Athens, Greece; Prof. Margarita Veniaminovna Silantyeva (Маргарита Вениаминовна Силантьева), Moscow State Institute of International Relations, International Law School, Department of Philosophy, Russia; Prof. Junichi Toyota (豊田純一), Osaka Metropolitan University, Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences, Japan; Prof. Sophia Butt, University of Birmingham, Trinity College London, UK; Asst. Prof. Sara Corrizzato, University of Verona, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Italy; Assoc. Prof. Anja Meyer, University of Verona, Italy; Assoc. Prof. Mária Bakti, University of Szeged, Faculty of Teacher Education, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, Hungary.
Editorial Secretaries
Suzana Stojković, Senior Lector
Anita Janković, PhD, Senior Lector
Milica Marjanović, Teaching Assistant
The journal is released four times a year.
Papers are published and distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial International 4.0 license (CC BY-NC 4.0 | The journal does not pay contributors. Opinions presented in the papers are the personal views of authors based on their research and do not express the opinions of the Editorial Board nor of the institutions where the authors are employed.
A r t i c l e s |
L a n g u a g e |
Tijana V. AŠIĆ, Tatjana S. GRUJIĆ, Marina V. KEBARA | |
Specific Telic Constructions with the Preposition do in Serbian
doi: 10.5937/zrffp54-47724 |
Marko E. KUKIĆ | |
Contrastive Analysis of the Present Tense in Serbian and English
doi: 105937/zrffp54-50474 |
Metaphor and Metonymy in Euphemisms in Queen Elizabeth II’s Official Statements
doi: 10.5937/zrffp54-51224 |
Svetlana S. MITIĆ | |
Scaffolding Language Teacher Education: Criteria-Based Evaluation of Language Practice Activities
doi: 10.5937/zrffp54-52494 |
Tertiary-Level EFL Learners’ Motivation and Classroom Engagement in a Post-COVID Online Environment
doi: 10.5937/zrffp54-48485 |
Tijana D. GAJIĆ | |
Needs Analysis in an English for Legal Purposes Context: A Case Study of Serbian Law Professionals
doi: 10.5937/zrffp54-50952 |
L i t e r a t u r e |
Snežana V. BOŽIĆ, Jelena V. JOVANOVIĆ | |
Factography and Fiction: Mirroring in the Novel “A Time of Death” by Dobrica Ćosić
doi: 10.5937/zrffp54-52830 |
Understanding History and Culture in 19th-Century England: Contributions from Dickens, Thackeray, and Eliot
doi: 10.5937/zrffp54-50951 |
Nataša V. NINČETOVIĆ | |
Unconventional Religion of Louisa May Alcott’s “Little Women”
doi: 10.5937/zrffp54-51590 |
Marija B. NEŠIĆ | |
Value Pluralism in Ian McEwan’s “Black Dogs” and “Saturday”
doi: 10.5937/zrffp54-49826 |
H i s t o r y |
Gligor M. SAMARDŽIĆ | |
Notes on Medical Practice in Southern Dalmatia (Testimonies from the Eastern Adriatic Coast and Its Hinterland)
doi: 10.5937/zrffp54-51525 |
The Most Noble Part of the Empire: The Image of Italy and Sicily in 11th Century Byzantine Historiography
doi: 10.5937/zrffp54-46965 |
Radmilo B. PEKIĆ, Marija N. MITIĆ | |
An Unpublished Manuscript of the Correspondence of the Doge of Venice Francesco Donato to the Podestà of the City of Buje (16th Century)
doi: 10.5937/zrffp54-50043 |
The Toponyms of Ottoman Niš: The New Barracks at Bubanj Hill
doi: 10.5937/zrffp54-48726 |
Jovana V. PAVLOVIĆ, Milica G. FILIPOVIĆ, Jasna D. POPOVIĆ | |
Post-WWI Balkan Revival: The Ancient Greek Legacy in the Sokol Movement 1919–1924
doi: 10.5937/zrffp54-46940 |
Jovan J. ALEKSIĆ | |
On Ekmečić’s Research Method and Understanding of the Notions of Nation and Nationalism
doi: 10.5937/zrffp54-47360 |
H i s t o r y o f A r t |
Nebojša P. STANKOVIĆ | |
Royal Canopy over the Church Entrance: Forms, Spatial Contexts, Iconographic Programs, and Meaning of the Dome in Serbian Narthexes of the 14th Century
doi: 10.5937/zrffp54-53038 |
Marta M. VUKOTIĆ LAZAR, Slađana V. ALEKSIĆ | |
The Role of The Art Review in Shaping Urban Culture and Modernizing the Kingdom of Yugoslavia
doi: 10.5937/zrffp54-51662 |
Aleksa S. CIGANOVIĆ, Vladimir M. STEVANOVIĆ | |
Heuristic Retrospection of Meta-Architectural Constructs Within Sava Amphitheater Planning (Belgrade)
doi: 10.5937/zrffp54-51026 |
P h i l o s o p h y |
Nedžib M. PRAŠEVIĆ | |
Machiavelli on arte dello stato
doi: 10.5937/zrffp54-53025 |
P s y c h o l o g y |
Nikola Z. COCIĆ | |
Self-Efficacy and Perceived Organizational Support as Predictors of Job Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Pay Satisfaction. SEM Analysis
doi: 10.5937/zrffp54-47476 |