Collection of Papers of the Faculty of Philosophy
ISSN 0354-3293
eISSN 2217-8082
Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Priština
Kosovska Mitrovica, 2023
Prof. Zvezdan Arsić
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Assoc. Prof. Branislava Dilparić
Editorial Board
Faculty’s members of the Editorial Board: Prof. Jasna Parlić Božović, Prof. Nebojša Lazić, Prof. Božidar Zarković, Assoc. Prof. Aleksandra Kostić Tmušić, Assoc. Prof. Dragana Stanojević, Prof. Mladen Jakovljević, Assoc. Prof. Nataša Bakić Mirić, Assoc. Prof. Jelena Mihajlović, Assoc. Prof. Jelena Bajović, Assoc. Prof. Olivera Marković Savić, Assoc. Prof. Nedžib Prašević, Prof. Dušan Ranđelović, Assoc. Prof. Tatjana Kompirović, Assoc. Prof. Stanislav Stanković, Assoc. Prof. Ivan Baščarević, Asst. Prof. Danijela Tešić Radovanović.
Foreign members of the Editorial Board: Prof. Zlatko Pavlović, University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Prof. Petar Penda, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Philology, English Language and Literature, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Prof. Sanja Josifović Elezović, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Philology, English Language and Literature, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Prof. Neven Hrvatić, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Croatian Studies, Department of Education Sciences, Croatia; Prof. Alexander Nikolov, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Faculty of History, Bulgaria; Prof. Boban Petrovski, Ss Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of History, Skopje, North Macedonia; Prof. Ahmet Yüksel, Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of Letters, Department of History, Sivas, Turkey; Asst. Prof. Simon Malmenvall, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Theology; Catholic Institute, Faculty of Law and Business Studies, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Prof. Georgios Nektarios Lois (Γεώργιος Νεκτάριος Λόης), Hellenic Open University, School of Humanities, Patras, Greece; Assoc. Prof. Sabina Hadžibulić, Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Sweden; Prof. Evangelia Georgitsoyanni (Ευαγγελία Γεωργιτσογιάννη), Harokopio University of Athens, Greece; Prof. Margarita Veniaminovna Silantyeva (Маргарита Вениаминовна Силантьева), Moscow State Institute of International Relations, International Law School, Department of Philosophy, Russia; Prof. Eleni Griva (Ελένη Γρίβα), University of Western Macedonia, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kozani, Greece; Prof. Junichi Toyota (豊田 純一), Osaka Metropolitan University, Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences, Japan; Prof. Nijolė Burkšaitienė, Vilnius University, Faculty of Philology, Institute for Literary, Cultural and Translation Studies, Lithuania; Prof. Davronzhon Erkinovich Gaipov (Давронжон Эркинович Гаипов), Rector of the University Suleiman Demirel, Almaty, Kazakhstan; Prof. David Landis, Montana State University – Bozeman, USA; Prof. Sophia Butt, University of Birmingham, Trinity College London, UK; Assoc. Prof. Sara Corrizzato, University of Verona, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Italy; Assoc. Prof. Giada Goracci, University of Verona, Italy; Assoc. Prof. Anja Meyer, University of Verona, Italy; Assoc. Prof. Mária Bakti, University of Szeged, Faculty of Teacher Education, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, Hungary; Prof. Ljubica Kardaleska Radojkova, American University of Europe – FON Skopje, Faculty of Foreign Languages, North Macedonia; Lubica Vareckova (Ľubica Varečková), Ph.D. Lecturer, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakiа.
Editorial Secretaries
Suzana Stojković, Senior Lector
Andrej Semenov, PhD Teaching Assistant
The journal is released four times a year.
Papers are published and distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial International 4.0 license (CC BY-NC 4.0 | The journal does not pay contributors. Opinions presented in the papers are the personal views of authors based on their research and do not express the opinions of the Editorial Board nor of the institutions where the authors are employed.
A r t i c l e s |
L a n g u a g e
Tamara M. JEVRIĆ, Jelena B. BABIĆ ANTIĆ | |
Long Hair and Short Wit—English-Serbian Parallels in Proverbs Describing Women
doi: 10.5937/zrffp53-45298 |
Professor’s New Clothes: 21st-Century Teaching Competences in Higher Education
doi: 10.5937/zrffp53-45162 |
L i t e r a t u r e
Milica B. SURLA, Vladislava S. GORDIĆ PETKOVIĆ | |
“There’s going to be a moon tonight”: Images of Light and Darkness as Symbolic Elements in Ernest Hemingway’s In Our Time
doi: 10.5937/zrffp53-45361 |
Nataša R. TUČEV | |
“Peru is a silent country”: A Lost Opportunity for Cultural Exchange in The Royal Hunt of the Sun
doi: 10.5937/zrffp53-45056 |
Ljiljana Z. PETROVIĆ | |
Rehabilitation of Baricco’s and Japrisot’s Heroes in the Light of Modern Criticism
doi: 10.5937/zrffp53-44791 |
H i s t o r y o f A r t
Aleksandra B. JEVTOVIĆ | |
Projects of Tourist-Amusement Parks: “Belgrade’s Disneyland”
doi: 10.5937/zrffp53-45301 |
History of Art — Thematic Section:
Rethinking Art and Visual Culture in the Mediterranean Hinterland Guest Editor: Asst. Prof. Danijela T. TEŠIĆ RADOVANOVIĆ
Shelley WACHSMANN, Donald H. SANDERS | |
Reconstructing a Late Archaic-Period Dionysian Ship Cart
doi: 10.5937/zrffp53-45389 |
Olga Z. ŠPEHAR | |
Entangling Text and Image in Sacred Space: Votive Mosaic Inscriptions from Gradište near Stojnik (Kosmaj, Serbia)
doi: 10.5937/zrffp53-45391 |
Nikolina BELOŠEVIĆ, Danko DUJMOVIĆ | |
Reflections of the North Adriatic Stone-Carving Workshops in Early Medieval Sisak
doi: 10.5937/zrffp53-41660 |
Rosa D’AMICO, Sanja R. PAJIĆ | |
Artistic Exchange Between Bologna, Padua, Venice and the Byzantine-Balkan East: Fragments of the Passion Cycle in the Church in Vedrana (Bologna)
doi: 10.5937/zrffp53-45641 |
Anđela Đ. GAVRILOVIĆ | |
Grigorije Camblak’s Description of the Construction of the Dečani Church: Its Features and Models
doi: 10.5937/zrffp53-44977 |
Branka M. GUGOLJ | |
Rudenica and Its Place in the Moravian Serbia Architecture
doi: 10.5937/zrffp53-45580 |
Iconography of the Old Testament Prophets and the Virgin Kyriotissa on the East Wall of the Gračanica Exonarthex
doi: 10.5937/zrffp53-45896 |
Georgi Mitrofanović’s Fresco Composition with Representations of Medieval Rulers in the Southern Apse of the Hilandar Refectory
doi: 10.5937/zrffp53-46720 |
Mina D. LUKIĆ | |
Mediterranean Resonances in Tolkien’s Middle-earth
doi: 10.5937/zrffp53-45859 |
P h i l o s o p h y
Biljana M. RADOVANOVIĆ | |
On Possible Forms of Expounding Philosophy
doi: 10.5937/zrffp53-40644 |
P s y c h o l o g y
Vesna G. BARZUT, Jelena D. BLANUŠA, Jasmina D. KNEŽEVIĆ, Gordana Ž. MARINKOVIĆ | |
The Association Between Psychological Inflexibility and Mental Health during the Third Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic
doi: 10.5937/zrffp53-43010 |
Dragana Z. STANOJEVIĆ, Emilija U. POPOVIĆ, Branislava M. DILPARIĆ | |
Validation of the PROACTIVE Coping Inventory on Serbian University Students
doi: 10.5937/zrffp53-45495 |
Almedina Š. NUMANOVIĆ, Semrija Ć. SMAILOVIĆ, Željko Ј. MLADENOVIĆ, Nevzeta R. MURIĆ | |
Social Loneliness, Emotional Loneliness and Loneliness in Love as Predictors of Life Satisfaction in Adolescents
doi: 10.5937/zrffp53-43458 |
P e d a g o g y
Jelena D. MIHAJLOVIĆ | |
Teaching Language and Language Culture in Grammar School Curricula for the Subject Serbian Language and Literature
doi: 10.5937/zrffp53-45821 |